Reallusion cc3
Reallusion cc3

reallusion cc3

If you decide to get the BB CC3+ genital let me know and I may be able to help you over a couple of hurdles I faced. I am working on a animation for the Fall Contest that features this. I finally got the BB CC3+ female genital to cooperate after a bit of prodding (sorry). The BB CC3+ female genital is very realistic and in a sort of "half-open" position that should accommodate penetration animations unless extreme close-ups are desired. If you have trouble finding them send me a PM and I'll send you the product links. They take an incredible amount of tweaking to look even half-way decent. Using these is not for the faint of heart.

reallusion cc3

"Anatomical Male Base" and "Anatomical Female Base." They are in MarketPlace ONLY. I was not able to find any morphing genitalia at all, even for CC3. Thank you for your suggestion about the asset "BB CC3+ Cloth Anatomically Accurate Katherine Style 40." I will take a look. Yes, I saw posts about the changes in their rules, this is why I was asking for someone who can make a custom work, but I guess that those rules also cover the custom work ((.

reallusion cc3

However, they are a pain to work with and are not very good looking. There are morphing male and female genitalia for CC3, at least at this time. The female CC3+ genitalia are called "BB CC3+ Cloth Anatomically Accurate Katherine Style 40." I agree there are a lot of us here who Reallusion products and would welcome a good selection of genitalia, dildos, and restraints compatible with that system. There is some sort of TOS problem making morphing genitalia for sale in the Reallusion stores, so Character Creator CC3+ male and female genitalia, while available, contain no morphs other than pubic hair morphs. There is a new female genital prop for CC3+ available in Marketplace (ONLY).

Reallusion cc3